Broadwater Southport Gold Coast Queensland
Broadwater Southport Rotary Empowers Youth and 
Helps Children Living with Illness and Disability.
Meetings & Upcoming Events
Our club meets for breakfast every Friday, 7:30am - 8:30am at the Southport Yacht Club located at 1 MacArthur Parade, Main Beach, Queensland 4217. You can view a map by clicking hereOn occasion we may vary this for social events, vocational or community visits, or meetings with other clubs.  Please refer to our calendar for up to date meeting details or check out some of our upcoming events below.
Our Mission
We help young people across the Gold Coast and in other countries to be the best they can be when studying, in sport, and developing leadership skills. We fund facilities and medical equipment to help improve the lives of children living with illness and disability.
Our service projects:
  1. Youth Development: RYPEN, RYTS, RYLA, Rotaract, & Interact
  2. Bare Your Soles For Kids - Supporting Rotary causes in the community
  3. Circus Quirkus - Purchase medical equipment for the Gold Coast University Hospital’s children’s wards
  4. Arundel Park Riding for Disabled - Providing facilities and horse riding experiences for children with a disability
  5. Now I Can Run - RaceRunners® for disabled athletes
  6. The Salvation Army - Youth Homelessness
  7. Rotary Broadwater Chapel by The Sea - A charming intimate setting to experience your wedding or any of life’s special ceremonies
  8. Gold Coast Hospital Foundation - Supporting patients and their families
  9. Radio Lollipop Gold Coast - Giving young patients a voice
  10. Rotary International - End Polio Now
  11. Seres - Cultivating and catalyzing youth leaders
  12. The School of St Jude - Fighting poverty through education
  13. Manasprings - Grassroots Women Transforming Communities
  14. Give Every Child A Future - Vaccinating 100,000 children across nine Pacific Islands
  15. Griffith University Researchers - Vaccine deployed into malaria-endemic countries
  16. Rotary Kokoda Beach Walk & Run - Annual event empowering youth & helping children living with illness & disability
Latest News Stories
The Broadwater Southo\port Rotary Club welcomes Mr Warwick Penrose, EPE on building a robot for the 
Moon to Mars Project o.b.o. the Australian Space Agency.
Warick will present to our memeber and guests about his current role with at EPE.
The Members and guests of the Rotary Club of Bradwater Southoirt welcomes this weeks Guest Speaker:  Gemma Sisia, Founder, School of St Jude, Tanzania to share an update of the School achievements.
Meet our new memeber, Angela Reidy. Angel is currently Managing Director of Reidy Investments Pty Ltd (since1988) t/a Desert Palms Alice Springs amd pf tje Danny Reidy Racing Team since 2001. 
Angela has an extensive portfolio and we would like to thank Angela for sharing her journey with the members of the Broadwater Southport Rotary Club this coming Friday, 31st January 2025.
Welcome to our guest speaker  Rob Molhoek MP, State Member for Southport.
Rob has an extensive range of not-for-profit board experience that he will share with the members of the Rotary Club of Broadwater Southport on Friday 24th January 2025.
Guest Speaker:  Sophia Goldschmied, our outgoing YEP student departing Australia later this month for a year in Switzerland
Learn more about Sophia and her family.  She will be accompanied by her parents, Amy and Jason. 
Please make them feel welcome!
Gold Coast University Hospital Visit
A few club members visited the Gold Coast University Hospital recently to check out the recently acquired Examination Chair.  It is located in the Child Protection Unit which is a fabulous area colourfully decorated to help ease the trauma of children who are suffering from physical or psychological trauma.
Amav Prabhu 
National Youth Science Forum recipient, Amav Prabhu (centre) spoke to the club members about the amazing experience he had at the event.  He will cherish the time he spent there and made some great connections both professionally and personally.  We wish him all the best.
Griffith University Institute for Glycomics
The primary focus of the Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University is translating its drug, vaccine and diagnostic discoveries into social and economic benefit, locally and globally.