Kokoda Memorial Wall

'Kokoda Memorial Wall'
The Cascade Gardens Kokoda Memorial Wall was created to help visitors to Cascade Gardens appreciate the courage and determination of the men who fought on the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea during WWll.
See: City of Gold Coast Memorial Walk in Broadbeach: [ CLICK HERE ]
The project commenced with concept plans drawn up by GCCC under the guidance of Rotarian George Friend OAM who was there to receive the baton along with special guest, WWll Veteran Max Kirwan of the 39Bn and Paul Harris Fellow (97 years old). What an honour it was for all of us to meet this very special human and his wife Nicole.
President Howard and Max passed the baton for the final time that day to Broadbeach Rotary President Les Bulluss. Representatives from each of the Cluster 7 clubs along with AG Sheila Ponting joined us to celebrate the Baton Relay.
A HUGE thanks to Broadbeach Rotarians for providing a scrumptious BBQ to complete this long but incredibly moving day.
Rotarians are amazing humans! What a huge privilege it was to play a small part in these 100 years of Rotary in Australia celebrations.